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Cherri Kuchel

Concepts of Science
Algebra I
Algebra II

In addition to working for Upward Bound, Cherri is a Tutor Coordinator for Student Support Services at ASU-Beebe.  She has her BA in Chemistry from UALR with a minor in Biology.  She hopes to begin working on her Master's in Education soon.
Cherri's hobbies include cooking, decorating, and crafts.  She tries to be very student-friendly and strives to help students in any way that she can.
Personal quote: "I believe that God, family, education, and friends are the four most important gifts we have."

Arkansas State University-Beebe
Upward Bound

Upward Bound is a 100% federally funded high school program receiving $379,496 annually.  Upward Bound does not discriminate on the basis of color, race, sex, handicap, or national origin.